Join authentic, real & humane communities.

With Trusted Accounts you can prove you are a real and unique user while fully protecting your privacy. Trusted Accounts encrypts, anonymises and decentralises all your personal data.

Privacy by default

Big tech's definition of privacy is often that you and they should have access to your data. We believe no one should have access to your verification data. Period.

Trusted Accounts encrypts all user data on user verification to protect user privacy
A verified user gets a different ID per platform after verification to protect the users' privacy

Stop internet trolls and disinformation for a peaceful web

Every verification is a step towards a more peaceful web where internet trolls, disinformation, and digital assault have no place. Trusted Accounts uses its profits to support projects that help build a more peaceful Internet.

Verify in one click.
You can verify on all partner our platforms in one click, with complete privacy.
Full Privacy
We protect your privacy and keep your identity secret. To ensure this, we encrypt all your verification data in a way that not even we can read it anymore.
No data sharing
You will be given a different identity for each platform so that platforms cannot share information about you without your consent.
Join communities with real and unique users.
With your Trusted Account you can join communities with real and unique user. Become part of a more humane web today.

What we stand for

Fully transparent, independent & not-for-profit

To earn users' trust, we are structured as a not-for-profit, fully transparent organisation.

Claim your Trusted Account

Get your own Trusted Account to join a more authentic web with full privacy.

Our profits for a peaceful web.

Trusted Accounts helps make the internet a more peaceful place by transparently supporting projects that fight disinformation and hate online.

Full transparency

We regularly publish transparency reports about our finances, user privacy, the projects we support and the revenue we gain from our verifications, as well as our investments. No secrets.

More than privacy

For Big Tech, privacy often means that you and they should have access to your data. At Trusted Accounts, we believe no one should have access to your data. Period.